This page contains information and contributions in English and German.
Diese Seite enthält englisch- und deutschsprachige Informationen und Beiträge.
This page contains information and contributions in English and German.
Diese Seite enthält englisch- und deutschsprachige Informationen und Beiträge.
Trees in our world are not only a gorgeous ecosystem that supports Mother Earth with oxygen – trees are also the wisest teachers ever and they are masters of networking and cooperation.
Planting a tree can be a conscious act of love for all that exists. We can plant trees – alone or together with our families and friends, in our communities, villages, towns and holy places. In doing so we not only imagine a world in peace, but express our collective longing for a whole and sacred world. We need to be many, standing up, reaching out, connecting with each other, to share our knowledge for actions – silent or radical ones – to create peace. NOW!
All together we are planting a huge Tree of Live – a tree we all care for, making it a place for listening not only to the tree wisdom, but also to each other’s heart, celebrating life in prior unity respecting diversity. The Tree of Life reminds us, that all life is inseparably ONE. In this understanding we are all brothers and sisters. And so are the trees.
Bäume sind für unsere Welt nicht nur ein gigantisches ökologisches System, das Mutter Erde mit Sauerstoff unterstützt – Bäume sind seit jeher unsere weisesten Lehrer, wahre Meister des Netzwerkens und der Kooperation.
Einen Baum zu pflanzen, kann ein Akt der Liebe für all das, was existiert, sein. Wir können Bäume allEin pflanzen oder zusammen mit unseren Familien und Freunden, in unseren Gemeinschaften, Dörfern, Städten und an unseren heiligen Orten.
So bringen wir den Gedanken von der einen Welt in Frieden und die tiefe Sehnsucht nach Heilung für unsere Erde gemeinsam zum Ausdruck. Wir müssen viele sein, die sich erheben, aufeinander zugehen und sich miteinander verbinden, um unser Wissen für Aktionen zu teilen – leise oder radikale Aktionen, um Frieden zu schaffen. JETZT!
Weltweit Bäume zu pflanzen, ist viel mehr als ein symbolischer Akt: Zusammen pflanzen wir einen mächtigen Baum des Lebens für den wir alle Sorge tragen. An diesem Ort können wir nicht nur der Weisheit des Baumes, sondern auch der unserer Herzen lauschen, und das Leben in seiner ursprünglichen Einheit und Vielfalt feiern.
Der Baum des Lebens erinnert uns daran, dass alles Leben untrennbar EINS ist. In diesem Verständnis sind wir alle Brüder und Schwestern, so wie es auch die Bäume sind.
After you have planted your tree, you can mark your location. By clicking on the pink circle with the + in it, you can indicate on the map the approximate place where you planted a tree and add a photo and some information.
In case you don't see the map due to technical issues, go to
If you want to contribute with a blog report about your tree planting event, you can send it to Martina Weiss: or if you are a registered member, you can upload it yourself.
Become visible for each other, let the world know about your tree and your actions and share the link! Spread the word about ONE TREE – Planting Peace with the hashtag: #OneTree
Our dream is that with the worldwide self-organized actions of ONE TREE-Planting Peace, the interaction with our ecosystem will be more in balance again. Being at peace with our place of origin will promote peace between us all. Thank you!
Nachdem du deinen Baum gepflanzt hast, kannst du dich hier mit uns verbinden. Auf der Karte kannst Du den Ort, wo Du einen Baum gepflanzt hast, angeben und ein Foto sowie einen Text hinzufügen. Dazu klickst Du auf den Rosa-Kreis mit dem Pluszeichen.
Falls Du aus technischen Gründen die Karte hier nicht siehst, kannst Du Deine Informationen direkt hier eintragen:
Wenn Du einen Bericht für den Blog schreiben magst, kannst Du ihn an Martina Weiss schicken: . Wer registriert ist, kann ihn auch gleich selbst veröffentlichen.
Werdet sichtbar füreinander, lasst die Welt von eurem Baum und euren Aktionen wissen und teilt den Link! Macht andere aufmerksam auf ONE TREE – Planting Peace mit dem Hashtag: #OneTree
Unser Traum ist, dass mit den weltweiten selbstorganisierten Aktionen von ONE TREE-Planting Peace die Wechselwirkung mit unserem Ökosystem wieder mehr in Balance kommt. Im Frieden zu sein mit unserem Ursprungsort wird den Frieden zwischen uns allen fördern. Danke!
Looking at the story and goals of 'May Peace Prevail on Earth International' it felt somehow natural to invite them into a partnership with 'ONE TREE—Planting Peace'.
Gabriele Castagnoli, one of the supporters of the ONE TREE project from the beginning, spoke to Fumi Johns Stewart and Dagmar Berkenberg.
Radiating the Essence of Love
About Fumi Johns Stewart
Fumi grew up in Japan with a sincere wish to bridge the two cultures of her
American and Japanese parentage and to promote peaceful coexistence between
all peoples. She introduced the 'May Peace Prevail on Earth' movement and 'The
Peace Pole Project' of Japan in the mid 1980’s to the international community.
Fumi also serves as US liaison to sister organization, the Goi Peace Foundation of
Japan and the Fuji Sanctuary, home of Byakko Shinko Kai.
Fumi, it's wonderful, that you take some time for this interview! I wonder how
'May Peace Prevail on Earth International' came into your life.
At an early age, I wanted to become a bridge between East and West and work
for peace ever since I learned of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Then when I was 21 years old I saw a bumper sticker with the words 'May Peace
Prevail on Earth' and I knew immediately that my mission was to spread this
message which is originally from Japan out to the world. It has been many
decades since that life changing day and I am still passionate about my life’s
mission to be a peacebuilder.
What exactly are you doing for the organization?
Besides taking care of the administrative responsibilities of running a non-profit,
I’m so fortunate to engage in various aspects of spreading the peace message. I
enjoy collaborating with many international organizations in planning events and
programs. I especially find it meaningful to encourage people to plant Peace
Poles which carry the message 'May Peace Prevail on Earth'. I often travel around
the world to present a very special 'World Peace Flag Ceremony' where
participants are invited to send peace to every country and region of the world
surrounded by the flags of every nation.
I feel so passionate about uplifting hearts and awakening the consciousness of
people by spreading the peace message.
Can you please explain more in detail about the idea of 'planting' Peace Poles
and when this all started?
The idea of planting Peace Poles started with Masahisa Goi of Japan who
authored the message and prayer 'May Peace Prevail On Earth' in 1954 as an all
embracing message transcending race, religion and cultural differences. Then in
the early 1970’s the message started to be placed on wooden posts and poles of
various sizes throughout Japan. Gradually it became the shape of a Peace Pole
we have today.
I think Peace Poles are a powerful symbol and it lives in the community long
after it has been planted to become a constant reminder of thinking, living and
acting peace in our everyday lives.
What is your personal definition of peace, Fumi?
Peace is the state of non-attachment. The state of Nothingness. When you are
truly at peace the divine essence of perfection flows through you without any
interference to every cell of your body and you radiate that perfect peace to
everything and everyone around you.
What do 'ONE TREE—Planting Peace' and your organization have in common in
your understanding?
Trees grow with deep roots in the soil. They can be seeded, planted, nurtured
and they grow toward the heavens. The beautiful presence of trees is
appreciated and their life force can be felt by the human heart.
Much like trees, Peace Poles are planted deep into the ground and their healing
presence touches many hearts. Peace Poles are like living trees that stand
majestic radiating the essence of love out to the world. Peace Poles are living
trees and likewise trees are a symbol of everlasting peace.
Fumi, we are living in very challenging times—what gives you hope?
Where there is life, there is hope. Life energy is filled with infinite possibilities
ready to be explored and expressed out to the world. We are undoing all of the
disharmonious patterns and habits created by man over centuries. I have faith in
the divine essence of life and that everything is in a process of manifesting peace
on earth. It’s an evolutionary process and we are still young as a planet.
Thank you so much Fumi, that’s really inspiring!
Peace Work Inside
About Dagmar Berkenberg
I am a native Munich person and went to the Munich Institute for Languages and
Interpreting after high school graduation. Many years I had been working for the
National Tourism Office of Queensland, Australia. In 194 I started working for
'May Peace Prevail on Earth International', got married, became a mum and have
been with the Society ever since, enjoying it as much as in my first years as I
only meet kind-hearted people. My Hobbies are natural healing, sustainable and
nourishing food, to connect people with the same 'wavelength', skiing and
Dagmar, you are active for the European 'branch' of 'May Peace Prevail On Earth'
in the West of Munich. My thanks also go to you, for giving some insights to
everybody who is interested.
You are welcome! I help organizing public Peace Pole plantings, no matter how
big or small, which means a close cooperation with townhalls, school directors,
environmental organisations or other NGOs. I say 'other' as we are registered as
NGO. Each Peace Pole order or order for Peace Signs only is handled by me. My
wonderful carpenter 'Arlecchino Wood Toys' in North Germany and my sign
printer in Southern Germany work together hand in hand. I visit schools to
introduce them to our flag mandala for peace.
Translations for Mrs Saionji or marketing for her books and peace goods are also
part of my work, just as evaluating children artwork and essays of young people,
about which I will talk later on.
How did your cooperation start?
I had been working for Australian tourism but did not want to travel so
extensively anylonger. At that time our Japanese Chairpersons Masami Saionji
and Hiroo Saionji had just placed an ad in our Munich newspaper that they are
looking for staff for their European Office.
In those years I did not know much about spirituality but to work for world peace
after having worked for the lovely field of tourism touched my heart very much.
Mr and Mrs Saionji always 'walked their talk' so working for them was and is a
What does your commitment mean to you, Dagmar?
Through my work I have been developing personally. In the past, peace work
meant to me only something in the exterior world. Over all those years working
for the Society I learnt that peace work is only inside you and that you have to
work on yourself for a lifetime (laughs 'unfortunately that long').
The Saionji family and my colleagues worldwide only see my best qualities. Their
unconditional trust means a lot to me. They generally see in each person only
their 'divine spark' and are convinced that we all can manage to get our divine
spark out into this world, sometimes with the help of others, sometimes just by
Apart from Peace Poles, what other activities belong to 'May Peace Prevail On
Earth International'? Do you want to tell us about it?
I personally love the 'Flag Mandala for Peace' which we organize in schools or
during conferences dealing with the subject of peace.
Everybody puts one or more of the flag cards (of the total of 196
countries/cards) to the floor in a mandala shape, wishing that particular country
peace and happiness.
At the end you see the whole world, in all its diversity and beauty in front of you.
Sending every country peace means to step out of the feeling of helplessness
which we often feel in light of the world’s situation.
Just as much I like the Essay Contest of our foundation which results each year
in 20,000 to 30,000 essays of young people for us. To read their essays, to feel
their optimism and commitment strengthens my own hope for a different world
to a great extent.
What else do you experience in this kind of work with other people?
I am again and again fascinated how people of all the different walks of life
resonate with the words 'May Peace Prevail on Earth'.
How they are most sincerely convinced that it is important to read these words,
spread them and speak them out. How people like the simplicity and power of
the flag mandala and how they feel, deep down inside, that there is a light in
each of us which we should radiate into the world during our life span.
Where do you see the link between ONE TREE—Planting Peace and the Peace
They have in common that they both create consciousness. It is my conviction
that they perfectly harmonize with each other. Plus real trees are more than
needed to make up for all the human mistakes exploiting nature.
There are approximately 200,000 Peace Poles all over the world, many in public
and prominent places. Do you think this has an effect for our planet?
By all means it has an effect! A German natural health professional brilliantly
formulated many years ago 'Peace Poles are like acupuncture needles, just for
the Earth'. This is it, Peace Poles let the energies flow and start a healing
At the same time, we always have to be reminded of the most important things
in life and if I read 'May Peace Prevail on Earth' passing a Peace Pole on my way
to work, I will think that it is upon me, what I send out for a more peaceful world
today. Which words do I use today, which thoughts do I think and what do I
generally do every day for a more peaceful world?
Many thanks Dagmar—your answers really touched me!
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